Granitsa Na Zamke 720p
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SOLNTSEVA, IuliiaEgor Bulychov i drugie [Egor Bulychov and Others] 1953, 150 minutes, in Russian without subtitlesCall number DVD-737Poema o more [Poem of the Sea] 1958, 105 minutes, in RussianCall number DVD-2304Povest´ plamennykh let [A Tale of the Fiery Years] 1960, 100 minutesCall number V-1779 in RussianCall number DVD-5227 in Russian with optional English subtitles SOLODUKHIN, MikhailDoloi kommertsiiu na liubovnom fronte, ili Uslugi po vzaimnosti [Down with Commerce on the Love Front, or Mutual Favours] 1988, 71 minutes, in RussianCall number V-1385SOLOV´EV, SergeiOt nechego delat´. Dachnyi roman [From Nothing To Do. A Dacha Romance], 24 minutes, in portmanteau film Semeinoe schast´e [Family Happiness] 1969, in RussianCall number V-942Call number DVD-2741Predlozhenie. Shutka [The Proposal. A Joke] 24 minutes, in portmanteau film Semeinoe schast´e [Family Happiness] 1969, in RussianCall number V-942Call number DVD-2741Egor Bulychov i drugie [Egor Bulychov and Others] 1971, 84 minutes, in RussianCall number V-357Stantsionnyi smotritel´ [The Station Master] 1972, 64 minutes, in RussianCall number V-360Call number DVD-2737Sto dnei posle detstva [One Hundred Days After Childhood] 1975, 89 minutes, in RussianCall number DVD-2517Melodii beloi nochi [Melodies of the White Night] 1976, 91 minutes, in RussianCall number V-1233Call number DVD-2518Spasatel´ [Lifeguard] 1980, 95 minutes, in RussianCall number V-1380Izbrannye [Los Elegidos] [The Elected Ones] 1982, 132 minutes, in Russian Call number DVD-2357Naslednitsa po priamoi [Direct Descendent] 1982, 90 minutes, in RussianCall number V-1361Call number DVD-2749Chuzhaia belaia i riaboi [The Wild Pigeon] 1986, 94 minutesCall number V-799 in RussianCall number DVD-2219 in Russian with optional French dubbed version and optional English, French, Spanish, Italian and German subtitlesCall number DVD-3329 in Russian or in KazakhASSA, 1987, 144 minutes, in RussianCall number DVD-754Chernaia roza emblema pechali, krasnaia roza emblema liubvi [Black Rose Stands for Sadness, Red Rose Stands for Love] 1989, 131 minutesCall number V-734 in RussianCall number DVD-2297 in Russian with optional Russian subtitlesDom pod zvezdnym nebom [A House Beneath the Starry Sky] 1991, 114 minutes, in Russian without subtitlesCall number DVD-2013Nezhnyi vozrast [Tender Age] 2000, 112 minutes, in RussianCall number V-763O liubvi [About Love] 2004, 112 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitlesCall number DVD-5072 ASSA 2, 2008, 120 minutes, in Russian Call number DVD-3949Anna Karenina, 2009, 5 x c. 50 = 247 minutes, in Russian Call number DVD-3698Odnoklassniki [Classmates] 2010, 99 minutes, in Russian Call number DVD-2570Call number RD-192 (followed by 54 minutes of studio discussion in the Zakrytyi pokaz TV series)Ke-Dy [Sneakers] 2016, 97 minutes, in RussianCall number DVD-4980SOLOVOV, IvanChernyi okean [The Black Ocean] 1998, 71 minutes, in RussianCall number V-1644Goriachaia tochka [Hot Spot] 1998, 70 minutes, in RussianCall number V-1065Lavina [Avalanche] 2001, 104 minutes, in Russian without subtitlesCall number DVD-1589Moia granitsa [My Border] 2003, 540 minutes, in Russian without subtitlesCall number DVD-1648Zheleznodorozhnyi romans [A Railway Romance] 2003, 102 minutes, in RussianCall number V-236Call number DVD-3307Slova i muzyka [Words and Music] 2004, 114 minutes, in RussianCall number DVD-465Otets [The Father] 2007, 82 minutes, in Russian without subtitlesCall number DVD-1549Zhena generala [The General's Wife] 2011, 180 minutes, in Russian Call number DVD-3421SOLOVTSOV, NikolaiVes´egonskaia volchitsa [The Ves´egonsk She-Wolf] 2004, 101 minutes, in Russian without subtitlesCall number DVD-1084SOROKHTIN, Igor´See under Minkin and Sorokhtin
ZHAROV, Mikhail and IVANOV, VitaliiI snova Aniskin [Aniskin Again] 1978, 197 minutes, in RussianCall number DVD-5370ZHAROV, Mikhail and RAPOPORT, VladimirAniskin i Fantomas [Aniskin and Fantomas] 1974, 130 minutes, in RussianCall number V-1562ZHELIABUZHSKII, IuriiPapirosnitsa ot Mossel´proma [The Cigarette Girl from Mossel´prom] 1924Call number DVD-1410 81 minutes, Russian intertitles only; silent with added music scoreCall number DVD-2952 112 minutes, English titles only, restored, silent with added music trackZHIGAEVA, ElenaUbit´ vecher [To Kill the Evening] 2003, 94 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitlesCall number DVD-1870ZHIGULENKO, EvgeniiaV nebe "Nochnye ved´my" [The "Night Witches" are in the Sky] 1981, 76 minutes, in RussianCall number V-1264Call number DVD-2550Bez prava na proval [Without the Right to Fail] 1984, 74 minutes, in RussianCall number V-1423ZHIGUNOV, SergeiTri mushketera [Three Musketeers] 2013, 119 minutes, in Russian Call number DVD-3950ZHILIN, ViktorIspravlennomu verit´ [Trust the Reformed Man] 1959, 76 minutes, in RussianCall number V-396Zapadnia [The Trap] 1965, 60 minutes, in Russian Call number RD-188ZHIVOLUB, ViktorTanets orla [Dance of the Eagle] 1975, 83 minutes, in Russian Call number V-70Garmoniia [Harmony] 1977, 70 minutes lacks ending, in RussianCall number V-633Pravo na vystrel [The Right to Shoot] 1981, 80 minutes, in RussianCall number V-1312Kazach´ia zastava [The Cossack Outpost] 1982, 76 minutes, in RussianCall number V-255Prikazano vziat´ zhivym [With Orders to Take Him Alive] 1983, 83 minutes, in RussianCall number V-1366ZHUK, Konstantin and SERYI, AleksandrInostranka [The Foreign Woman] 1965, 71 minutes, in RussianCall number V-922ZHUKOV, N.Tuchi pokidaiut nebo [The Clouds Leave the Sky] 1959, 85 minutes, in RussianCall number V-223ZHUKOVA, Ol´gaTango na Dvortsovoi ploshchadi [Tango on Palace Square] 1993, 74 minutes, in RussianCall number V-1864ZHURAVLEV, VasiliiKosmicheskii reis [The Cosmic Flight] 1935, 65 minutes, in Russian Call number DVD-2633 Granitsa na zamke [The Border is Locked] 1937, 71 minutes, in Russian without subtitlesCall number DVD-1354Gibel´ Orla [The Loss of the Eagle] 1940, 76 minutes, in Russian without subtitlesCall number DVD-1436Call number DVD-4668Piatnadtsatiletnii kapitan [The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain] 1945, 78 minutes, in Russian without subtitlesCall number V-1634Call number DVD-1965Mal´chik s okrainy [The Boy from the Outskirts] 1947, 82 minutes, in Russian without subtitlesCall number DVD-1995Nerazluchnye druz´ia [Inseparable Friends] 1952, 77 minutes, in RussianCall number V-1651Lavina s gor [An Avalanche from the Mountains] 1958, approx. 95 minutes, in RussianCall number RD-650Chernyi biznes [Dirty Business] 1965, 96 minutes, in RussianCall number V-2113Morskoi kharakter [A Naval Character] 1970, 97 minutes, in RussianCall number V-290ZIL´BERSHTEIN, E.See under Dudorov and Zil´bershtein 1e1e36bf2d